090 Mauritania

Conduct a baseline assessment of the healthcare system's greenhouse gas emissions.

Sector / CAA Pillar

  • Climate Governance


  • The request consists of delivering support to Mauritania’s Ministry of Health to account for the sector’s GHG emissions and enhance its staff’s capacities to sustain this practice in the future. Accounting the GHG emissions will inform (1) the GHG national inventory as requested by the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) of the UNFCCC and (2) the roadmap to ensure an efficient implementation of the Health Sector Plan towards the achievement of the NDC goals.

How to apply


RFP Details

Publication Date: upcoming…

Country: Mauritania

Duration: TBD

Maximum budget CAD: $90 000.00

Important Dates

Coming soon…

  • Issuing of ITT:
  • Deadlines for Clarifications:
  • Submission Deadline:
  • Awarding of contract: