118 Rwanda

Stocktaking of Gender Mainstreaming Baselines and Strategies Among Water Users and Water Resources Stakeholders

Sector / CAA Pillar

Women’s Leadership & Participation


  • Component 2 of Anticipatory and Adaptive Capacity through Water MIS and Gender Mainstreaming Governance Instrument.
  • The goal of this technical assistance is to contribute to strengthened climate action in Rwanda by building the adaptive capacity of Rwanda’s water resources sector through developing a gender mainstreaming strategy and action plan that will inform the Requesting Organization’s Strategic Plan in a way that reflects and aligns with the cross-cutting issues laid out in Rwanda’s Updated NDC and Vision 2050,  as well as the National Water and Sanitation Policy (2023).
  • This includes reviewing the Water Users and Use Assessment Study (2020), identifying the data gaps (e.g., disaggregated), and recommending how and where an updated assessment and associated database of water use and users in all 20-Level, 2-catchments should integrate gender-disaggregated data and information.

How to apply

CAA RFP Process Information


RFP Details

Publication Date:

Country: Rwanda

Duration: TBC

Maximum budget CAD: TBC

Important Dates * PENDING RFP *

  • Issuing of ITT:
  • Deadlines for Clarifications:
  • Submission Deadline:
  • Awarding of contract: