UNFCCC panel discussion on implementing “Enhances Transparency Framework”

Climate Action Africa leads UNFCCC panel discussion on implementing the Enhances Transparency Framework

On Tuesday, November 8th, 2022 Climate Action Africa held a panel discussion “Transparency, Technical Assistance strengthening capacity to Transitioning – Supporting Sub-Saharan Africa in the implementation of the Enhanced Transparency Framework”. The side event was organized under the Together for Transparency banner of the United Framework Convention on Climate Change Initiative at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

Funded by Global Affairs Canada, Climate Action Africa (CAA) provides short-term technical assistance to support Sub-Saharan Africa to meet Paris Agreement Commitments.

Moderated by Dr. Sekai Ngarize, CAA’s Forestry advisor, the event included a panel discussion which featured CAA Project Director Jaime Webbe, negotiator for Eswatini, Ms. Khetsiwe Khumalo, UNEP Programme Officer Suzanne Lekoyiet and transparency expert and negotiator for Malawi Mr. Clifford Mkanthama. Among discussion items were the necessary capacity needs and areas of support required to establish a domestic climate transparency system to transition to the ETF. Ms. Suzanne Lekoyiet said that among the priorities is helping countries access funding and strengthening lead ministries. “We need to increase the capacities of national reporting processing,” Lekoyiet said. “And have a strategy for addressing capacity needs and how to transition over time.”

Ms. Khetisewe Khumalo emphasized improving how institutions interact with each other. “We need to strengthen capacities to track NDC progress and implementation,” explained Khumalo.  Mr. Clifford Mkanthama highlighted the importance of strengthening institutions to collect data, archiving and data sharing. “We need training to strengthen technical capacity for data collection and for greenhouse gassing countries support to develop country-specific emission factors.”

Over the course of five years, the 15-million-dollar project will help Sub-Saharan countries meet their commitments to the Paris Agreement by deploying primarily Canadian expertise – based on demand at the local level. CAA Project Director Jaime Webbe emphasized the speed at which the project can provide technical support. “CAA can deliver assistance on a fast track,” explained Webbe. “It excludes the bureaucratic approval processes when compared to other support mechanisms.”

Climate Action Africa was announced as part of Canada’s commitment to climate finance and is being implemented by Alinea International, Econoler and WSP.

Requests for support can be made directly from the CAA website in English, French and Portuguese.