Building capacity for inclusive climate action in Nigeria.

CAA launches technical assistance to build capacity for inclusive climate action in Nigeria with Women Environmental Programme and Le Groupe Conseil de Baastel.

On March 20th, 2024, the Women Environmental Programme (WEP) Nigeria together with the consultancy Le Groupe Conseil Baastel gathered 70+ stakeholders for a National Stakeholder Inception Meeting to launch the Technical Assistance on Inclusive Climate Action in Nigeria.

Inclusive Climate Action in Nigeria aims to enhance the implementation of gender-responsive climate change actions and the meaningful participation of women and vulnerable groups in climate change processes and leadership at sub-national levels in Nigeria.

The objective of the meeting was to brief key stakeholders on the initiative’s goals and purpose, as well as gather insights on key capacity needs regarding inclusive climate action in Nigeria. Capacity-building training will be deployed to women’s groups, civil society organizations, media, and sub-national governments on climate leadership and influencing gender-sensitive climate actions and policies.

In 2023, women comprised just 34% of party delegates at the 28th United National Climate Change Conference (COP28). Despite playing a critical role in preserving the earth’s biodiversity and natural resources, food production, and caregiving during climate emergencies, women are underrepresented in climate change decision-making at global, national, and sub-national levels.

This training will be crucial in aiding relevant government agencies in Nigeria to fulfill the country’s vital commitments as a party of the Paris Agreement. These commitments, including the Nationally Determined Contribution, emphasize integrating gender mainstreaming and social inclusion into climate mitigation, adaptation, and resilience-building strategies. The technical assistance will fill identified capacity and knowledge gaps in implementing national policies such Nigeria’s National Action Plan on Gender and Climate Change and the National Adaptation Strategy and Plan of Action on Climate Change in Nigeria. These policies enable comprehensive responses to the gendered impacts of climate change and address disparities in its effects across different social statuses, wealth distributions, political power, and access to and control over resources.

The National Council on Climate Change Director General opened the meeting and stressed collective action’s importance in addressing climate challenges. Reaffirming the government’s commitment to the Paris Agreement and national goals, he urged joint efforts from all sectors.

The Ministry of Environment’s Climate Change Department Director highlighted the ‘Inclusive Climate Action in Nigeria’ initiative’s role in fostering sustainable development. He emphasized collaboration, stating, ” Together, we can drive meaningful change, empower marginalized communities, and build a more equitable society.”

CAA has engaged Le Groupe Conseil Baastel, a Canadian development consultancy, to deliver this technical assistance. Baastel provided participants with comprehensive information on the importance of the technical assistance, guided them through its timeline, and assessed the capacity needs of relevant stakeholder group.

In close collaboration with WEP, Baastel’s team of climate change, gender, research, and communication experts will design and deliver participatory and inclusive training in the next few months to Sub-national government, CSO, the media and other organizations working in climate change. The technical assistance initiative is supported by the Government of Canada’s Climate Action Africa (CAA), which is implemented by Alinea, Econoler, and WSP.