Regional Capacity Building on Climate Finance for Adaptation in North and Sub-Saharan Francophone Africa (SSE 014 )

Regional Capacity Building on Climate Finance for Adaptation in North and Sub-Saharan Francophone Africa

Synopsis of Exchange

Inception workshop of the Regional Capacity Building Program on Climate Finance for Adaptation in North and Sub-Saharan Francophone Africa

Participant Countries: Benin Central African, Democratic Republic of the Congo Mali, Senegal Burkina Faso Chad Djibouti Mauritania Togo Burundi Congo Gabon Morocco Tunisia Cameroon Côte d’Ivoire Guinea Niger

Venue: Ivory Coast


  • This program aims to provide member countries with a unique opportunity to strengthen and develop their skills, while adopting programmatic approaches designed to create favorable conditions for increasing the mobilization of the funding needed to implement their climate change adaptation priorities.

Status: Completed

Implementation / Delivery

This workshop has a dual purpose: to officially launch the capacity-building program, and to conduct the first face-to-face training session on the theme “Challenges and opportunities of adaptation financing in French-speaking African countries”. It will also be an opportunity to ensure that the proposed capacity-building program meets the expectations expressed by participants during the capacity-building needs assessment.
