South-South exchange participants trained in SLAMDAM mobile flood barrier system

Climate Action Africa South-South exchange participants receive hands-on training in SLAMDAM mobile flood barrier system

For many African communities, agriculture is an economic driver and a foundation of livelihoods for rural populations. In recent years, due to climate change, extreme weather events have become increasingly frequent, which has affected vulnerable communities and farmers relying on traditional water control methods – which have proven to be insufficient.

SLAMDAM technology was developed in the Netherlands and was designed to enhance resiliency against floods. The product is an emergency barrier that can easily be deployed during a flood. The technology can also store water and other fluids vapour-tight, which can be used to access water during a drought.

Climate Action Africa will support the Green Climate Fund as it facilitates a study tour in Burundi, where participants will receive hands-on training and education on implementing the SLAMDAM mobile flood barrier system. Representatives from 7 Sub-Saharan African countries will attend field visits, workshops, and discussions as part of the South-South Exchange.

The implementation of SLAMDAM technology in Burundi has demonstrated that it is scalable and effective in enhancing the resilience of communities against flood and drought.

The representatives on this study tour have been selected as they are responsible for flood and drought risk management in their respective regions in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a common goal of transforming the knowledge and skills gained during the south-south exchange into actionable governmental policy for climate resilience.

More information on CAA’s South South Exchange initiatives.