

Climate Action in Africa strengthens the capacity of NDAs, decision-makers and stakeholders responsible for coordinating and planning climate action at all levels, which is crucial for increased ambition and application of the Paris Rulebook. Learn more about CAA Climate Governance

Mitigation & Adaptation

Climate Action in Africa supports the implementation and enhancement of Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans, with a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions through renewable energy and REDD+, and enhance resilience, with a focus on water resources and agriculture. Learn about our gender-responsive mitigation and adaptation efforts.

Empowering Women as Agents of Change

Climate Action in Africa focuses on creating opportunities for women, including smallholder farmers, pastoralists, fishers, Indigenous women, youth and women living with disabilities, to be active participants and leaders in driving decisions that lead to effective climate action. Learn about our gender-responsive and socially inclusive approach.

Facilitating South-South Cooperation

Climate Action in Africa supports results-oriented South-South knowledge exchanges between Sub-Saharan Africa countries, facilitating the sharing of climate-related expertise and lessons learned.

How Canada’s Climate Action in Africa Project works.

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