National Capacity Leadership Training for Women led CSOs on effective implementation of Liberia’s NDC (023)

National Capacity Leadership Training for Women-led CSOs on the effective implementation of Liberia's NDC

Country:  Liberia


Women at all levels are at the margins of climate change dialogue in Liberia, with policies, legal instruments, and plans formulated without their full and meaningful participation.  One step that can support gender-responsive, socially inclusive implementation (and revision) of the NDC and other climate policies and programs is to strengthen the climate leadership of women/women CSOs Partnership for Environmental Actions on Climate Change and Ecosystem Protection (PEACCEP), an African NGO is delivering climate change leadership training, for Liberian youth to support them to become “National Climate Change Accelerators.”

PEACCEP is planning a series of capacity building for middle level professionals, youth, students, women, the media, and others on climate change and environmental education as well as natural resource governance research issues. 

Goal: The deployment aims to strengthen the climate leadership capacity of women and women-led CSOs in Liberia to engage more meaningfully in climate dialogue and action.

CAA technical assistance will contribute to:

  1. Undertaking a capacity needs assessment that considers different groups of women/women CSOs;
  2. Review and revise PEACCEP’s training curriculum and approaches;
  3. Deliver/test and assess the revised training in up to two regions; and
  4. Facilitate a participatory consultation with PEACCEP to review lessons learned and identify concrete ways forward to expand the training to other women CSOs. 

Through the support of the Canadian global consulting firm, Baastel, will provide a strengthened PEACCEP training curriculum and approach on climate leadership; increased capacity of women/women CSOs in up to two regions of the country; and PEACCEP’s strengthened capacity to design/facilitate climate leadership training curricula and training.