Grassroots Alliance for Rural Development (GARD)

Grassroots Alliance for Rural Development

Grassroots Alliance for rural development –  GARD-UGANDA is an independent not-for profit organization established in 2019 and registered with the Uganda NGO Bureau that seeks to contribute to changing lives by creating opportunities to reduce poverty and inequalities through local capacity development and building community resilience for sustainability.

GARD is working with the district local government, development partners and several communities-based groups, including local leaders to strengthen women with leadership skills and economic empowerment to respond to chronic food and income insecurity because of combined pressures of environmental degradation and climate change.

In the past three years, GARD — in partnership with FAO, UNDP and the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) — implemented the Global Environmental Facility (GEF)-funded “Building Household Livelihoods and Climate Resilient Capacities using Farmer Field School, and Watershed Management Approaches project in Amudat and Napak”.

GARD built the capacity total of 70 groups of vulnerable women and girls (2,100 households) in three districts of Karamoja region. This intervention focused on resilience building and strengthening adaptive and coping capacity to climate change through community-based approaches. Specifically, women and girls were trained in climate smart eco-friendly soil management and agronomic approaches using Agro-pastoral Field Schools and Watershed Management approach. GARD also supported women with livelihoods skills training, farming inputs such as seeds, farming tools, poultry, gala goats, piggery, and establishment of village savings and loan association.