Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN)

Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment

SWAGEN is an indigenous organization founded and owned by grassroots women in Uganda. The organization came into existence in 1998 out of felt need. Although the period spanning 1986-1990 saw a proliferation of women NGOs the majority were national level.

They engaged in grassroots operations without performing adequate consultations, needs assessment and problem analyses. Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN) is founded and owned by grassroots women in Uganda. The organization came into existence in 1998 out of felt need. Although the period spanning 1986-1990 saw a proliferation of women NGOs the majority were national level. They engaged in grassroots operations without performing adequate consultations, needs assessment and problem analyses. As a result, many of their interventions: – failed to target the most pressing needs of communities – did not deliver benefits to the intended beneficiaries – could not gain the support of the local stakeholders – were not sustainable