Advancing Article 6 Implementation in North and Sub-Saharan Francophone Africa (SSE 007)

Advancing Article 6 Implementation in North and Sub-Saharan Francophone Africa

South-South Exchange: Regional Workshop

Participant countries: Guinea Conakry, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Burkina Faso, DRC, Chad, Congo Kinshasa, CAR, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Benin, Togo, Tunisia

Venue: Cotonou, Benin

Objectives: Provide an opportunity for NDC Partnership member countries to come together and share knowledge and experiences on Article 6, focusing on the countries’ lessons learned and the steps to undertake for advancing Article 6 implementation.

Status: completed.

Summary: In collaboration with the RCC Lomé and the West African Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance, the NDC Partnership Support Unit is organizing a regional Peer-to-Peer Exchange to provide an opportunity for members to come together and share knowledge and experiences on collaborative approaches under Article 6, focusing on the country’s lessons learned and the steps to undertake for advancing Article 6 implementation. Focal Points and Article 6 experts from government ministries and experts from partner and non-partner organizations will be invited to attend. (Bénin).

Between the 13th and 14th July 2023, the NDC Partnership organized a one-and-a-half day in-person regional exchange workshop between its French-speaking African member countries in Cotonou, Benin. The workshop focused on advancing the implementation of Article 6 and was organized in collaboration with the Regional Collaboration Center for Central and West Africa (RCC WAC Africa) and the West African Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance (WAA), and with the support of Climate Action Africa (CAA). Perspectives Climate Research prepared the content and facilitated the event.

Outcomes: The workshop concluded with an expression of the assistance available from implementing partners. IFDD underlined its support for French-speaking countries through tackling language barriers as a neutral partner. UNDP highlighted its support for the development of Article 6 and the involvement of the private sector. The GGGI detailed its engagement with the private sector. The representative of Climate Action Africa highlighted the possibilities of technical assistance for the implementation of
Article 6. RCC WAC Africa presented its global capacity-building efforts for all countries in the region, focusing on key aspects such as the establishment of Designated National Authorities (DNAs), the development of national registries and the transition from the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to Article 6. Finally, the West African Alliance announced its commitment to leaving no country behind.
