Women’s Participation and Leadership in Climate Action in Uganda (003)

Women's Participation and Leadership in Climate Action

Country: Uganda


The Ugandan NGO, Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN), was founded and is owned by grassroots women to strengthen the capacity of local women’s groups to participate in and meaningfully contribute to national development. SWAGEN submitted a request to Climate Action in Africa for Technical Assistance (TA) to strengthen the gender-responsive and inclusive implementation of Uganda’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) with a focus on women’s climate leadership and sub-national capacity to integrate gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) and climate change into their work.

Goal: the Technical Assistance (TA) will strengthen gender-responsive planning and implementation of Uganda’s NDC and related climate policies and plans by i.) strengthening women’s leadership capacity to engage in and influence climate dialogue and action; and ii.) strengthening the capacity of Local Governments (LGs) (e.g, district planning, finance, extension staff, gender officers, Environment Committee members, etc.) and CSOs implementing the NDC to ensure climate action is gender-responsive and socially inclusive (e.g., in planning, budgeting, implementation, and monitoring, reporting, and verification.

The Technical Assistance (TA), supported by ESSA Technologies will result in:

  1. Strengthened leadership, public speaking, and advocacy capacity of women and women’s groups in developing/implementing Uganda’s NDC and related climate policies and plans.
  2. Women’s and women’s groups’ increased awareness of climate finance mechanisms in the government and elsewhere; and improved skills to access these to support climate action but particularly for community adaptation efforts.
  3. Strengthened capacity of Local Governments (and CSOs) in gender and climate responsive planning (e.g., identifying and prioritizing adaptation options, gender-responsive budgeting, small grant facilities, implementation, MRV, data/knowledge management, becoming a gender champion/agent of change, etc.).


Technical Experts